Freedom Coin Offers Alternative to Traditional Hedge Funds

Freedom Coin Offers Alternative to Traditional Hedge Funds

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The Freedom Coin, a cryptocurrency that uses a decentralized blockchain that rewards coin holders with long-term returns, offers investors a viable alternative to a traditional hedge fund.

The Freedom Coin blockchain is unique from other coins in that it is maintained by masternodes, which are dedicated servers that store a full copy of the Freedom Coin blockchain. The masternodes improve transaction privacy, deliver instantaneous transactions, enable participation in voting and governance, and support a treasury system.

Where a hedge fund only pays annual or biannual returns in a specific fiat currency, the Freedom Coin pays monthly network support fees to masternode holders in bitcoin. In addition, where a hedge fund charges around 20% in incentive fees, the Freedom Coin does not charge any incentive fees. Nor does it charge an asset management fee where hedge funds typically charge a 2% fee.

In addition, where a hedge fund is completely handled by a manager, the Freedom Coin is 60% managed by traders and AI trading robots, and the balance is managed by the community via a decentralized voting system.

Another important distinction is that the Freedom Coin can be used as a method of payment and can be traded.

The Freedom Coin can invest in any investments that the governance voting system approves where a hedge fund can only invest in those selected by the fund manager.

The Freedom Coin does not borrow money as hedge funds often do to improve returns. Instead, all funds in the trading pool are owned by the the Freedom Coin fund.

One of the most important Freedom Coin benefits is that investors’ funds are not tied to a minimum time period like a hedge fund. Its coins, shared nodes and masternodes can be sold at any time.

The Freedom Coin also provides real-time, complete transparency via its website.

One similarity between the Freedom Coin and hedge funds is there is no set return on investment. Freedom Coin masternodes, however, create additional rewards in coins, delivering a higher return on investment. A hedge fund, by contrast, does not deliver more shares in the fund; only gains on the initial investment.

Faster Transactions

The Freedom Coin’s 3MB block size triples that of bitcoin, allowing for much faster transactions. The Freedom Coin can handle 307 transactions per second, exceeding PayPal’s 193 transactions per second. First and second generation cryptocurrencies, by comparison, only manage four to five transactions per second.

The Freedom Coin’s transaction fees are around 0.0001 the Freedom Coin ($0.000185), enhancing the Freedom Coin’s use as a coin for everyday transactions. Coins that are not spent earn interest, encouraging users to keep coins and not sell them on exchanges which often decreases the value. The Freedom Coin instant payment mechanism also includes a “dark send private send” option that improves users’ privacy.

The Freedom Coin supply is limited to 25 million coins, ensuring the value will increase as the supply decreases.

Blockchain Supported By Masternodes

The Freedom Coin masternodes play a key role in maintaining the decentralization of its blockchain. The Freedom Coin is the only masternode coin to pay increased network support fees monthly in bitcoin.

To own a masternode, users place 5,000 coins in a wallet as collateral. Masternodes are thus invested to keep the network functioning properly. When a new block is verified on the blockchain, the masternodes automatically receive rewards. Masternodes earn additional monthly incentives called network support fees that are paid in bitcoin.

The Freedom Coin masternode holders also have access to value-added services through a diversified portfolio that creates additional streams of income. Value-added services include access to crypto trading, ICO research and investment, support for charitable causes, cryptocurrency mining and other future investments that prove viable.

Masternode holders also have instant access to merchants who support Freedom Coin. Such agreements are established continuously.

Decentralized Decision Making

The Freedom Coin is governed by a voting system designed to maintain its sustainability. Masternode holders have voting rights on proposals, supported through its blockchain governance protocol.

Each masternode holder has one vote for every node they own. Once a vote is completed, the majority vote will be deployed unless a masternode holder can show the decision will undermine Freedom Coin.

Looking forward, mining pools will be established to allow masternode holders to invest in mining equipment and to create additional income from the verification of cryptocurrency transactions.
The platform will be protected with user password management and two-factor authentication.

By providing a coin that can be used for everyday needs and also delivers long-term returns to its holders, the Freedom Coin will allow more people to enjoy the unique benefits of a highly decentralized blockchain.

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