Novel Coronavirus Concerns Force Another Cruise Ship to Delay Docking in the US

Novel Coronavirus Concerns Force Another Cruise Ship to Delay Docking in the US

The Merkle Cruise Coronavirus

Various cruise ships are slated to return to the United States. A third Princess Cruises ship is now kept from port until proper testing for the novel coronavirus can begin.

The Caribbean Princess is a vessel destined to dock in Grand Cayman.

Cruise Ships and the Novel Coronavirus

Parent company Princess Cruises – located in California – is holding off on giving the green light.

They want to have all of the passengers tested properly to avoid spreading the novel coronavirus

For the time being, this ship will remain under a no sail order until the CDC tells otherwise.

It will remain at anchor off the coast of Florida for the foreseeable future.

This is the second time a Princess Cruises ship is denied port in the US due to the novel coronavirus.

The other vessel, known as the Grand Princess, has been given the green light to dock in Oakland.

It has pulled into port at noon, and disembarkation is underway.

With over 560 recorded novel coronavirus cases in the US already, taking ample precautions is no unnecessary luxury. 

As a lot of these cases appear to originate from sea vessels, cautions is of the essence.

How long the no sail order will stand, has not been confirmed at this time.

Such a process usually takes a handful of days. 

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